Statement on the License Application for The Goat
The Parish Council received a large quantity of representations/letters from members of the public in relation to a license for events that The Goat has applied for. Councillors have worked with both local residents and the owners of The Goat to come to an agreement on some alterations to the license, that 1) takes into account local residents’ concerns, and 2) accommodates the vast majority of what The Goat is trying to achieve from the license.
The following changes to the license have been agreed:
- Outside Live Music and Performance of Dance are no longer being applied for
- Up to a maximum of 15 events per year
- No events to be held from Monday to Wednesdays, except Bank Holiday Weekends or/and bigger events happening in Downton
- Events will end at 10pm
- The number of people attending will be kept under control
- There will be a decibel limit (no more than the minimum required for the size of the event)
- Residents will be notified in advance – via social media updates, letters through the letter box, emails to the nearest residents
- Toilet and parking arrangement will be kept under constant review
- Noise must be managed in accordance with the Noise Management Plan submitted to the licensing authority. Any changes to the Noise Management Plan must be agreed in writing by the Licensing Authority.
Live events will be handled on an ad-hoc license basis by The Goat, as and when required. However, the vast majority of the events The Goat are looking to organise do not include live music.
The Council would like to thank the owners of The Goat for working collaboratively with the community to ensure the license is put in place. Along with all residents, it wishes The Goat well for these events and looks forward to seeing their events on Downton’s events calendar in the near future