Downton Parish Council approved its 3-year Strategic Plan (Nov 2024-Oct 2027) at a meeting of full council held on 12th August 2024.
The 3-year Strategic Plan sets out an overarching vision, underpinned by a set of principles, which guide the work of Downton Parish Council.
In this Strategic Plan, fully costed projects and targets inform the annual budget and Precept for each financial year during the term of the Plan.
Downton Parish Council’s Vision Statement
Downton Parish Council offer community leadership with the aim of developing Downton, Charlton All Saints, and Standlynch into a vibrant community; a place where people want to live, visit, and do business in.
We, the Council, will achieve this by: –
- Improving the health and wellbeing of our residents
- Working with local groups to enhance the local environment:
- street scene
- public green spaces
- footpaths
- climate
- rivers
- overall image of Downton, Charlton All Saints, and Standlynch
- road safety
- Respecting and preserving our heritage
- Working with local businesses and groups to encourage commercial prosperity