Downton Parish Council is responsible for managing and maintaining play equipment at four locations:
- Memorial Gardens
- Moot Lane
- Charlton All Saints
- Wick Lane
In 2023 Downton Parish Council was delighted to announce a £250,000 refurbishment of the Play Parks at Memorial Gardens, Moot Lane, and Charlton All Saints.
The inclusive, nature-themed design of the Memorial Gardens Play Park was shaped with the help of feedback from local families. Downton Parish Council wish to thank everyone who took part during the consultation phase of the project.
Health & Safety
Play is a natural and fundamental aspect of children and young people’s lives that supports growth and development across a range of developmental areas including:-
- Physical and mental health and wellbeing
- Social development
- Intellectual growth and learning
- Practical skills development
- Personal resilience, and
- Establishing a connection to wider society and the community in which children live.
Inspection and maintenance activities are carried out to ensure the play areas are safe for people using them. They also ensure timely maintenance to minimise major maintenance issues and replacement costs for equipment.
Downton Parish Council has adopted a Play Park Risk Management Policy which outlines the legal responsibilities of the authority and how Downton Parish Council will meet these responsibilities through a system of inspection, assessing risk, and responses to faults and risks.