Agenda for Parish Council Annual Budget meeting on Monday 25th October at 7.30 pm at the Downton Memorial Centre
lease find below the Agenda and Background Papers for the next Meeting of the Parish Council being held face to face at the Memorial Centre, The Borough, Downton on Monday 11th October2021 at 7.30 pm.
Although the meeting is open to the public, the Council is limited in terms of the capacity of the Bonvalot Room. It would be helpful if members of the public could contact the Clerk if they are planning to attend the meeting.
All COVID-19 Guidelines must be adhered to:
- Masks must be worn on entry to the building and at all times.
- Please use the hand sanitiser on arrival.
- Please scan the QR code or sign in for Track and Trace.
- The maximum number of people permitted in the Bonvalot Room is 21.
- Please read the Council’s Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
- Please do not attend if you have any recognised Covid-19 symptoms.