Agenda for Parish Council meeting on Monday 12th December at 7.30 pm at the Memorial Centre

Please find at the links below the Agenda for the Parish Council meeting being held in the Bonvalot Room of the Downton Memorial Centre on Monday 12th December 2022 at 7.30 pm, the supporting Planning Schedule document and the draft minutes for the Parish Council meetings which were held on 14th, 21st and 28th November 2022:


Planning Schedule

Draft Minutes – Ordinary Meeting held on 14th November 2022

Draft Minutes – Extraordinary General Meeting held on 21st November 2022

Draft Minutes – Extraordinary General Meeting held on 28th November 2022


All present are encouraged to follow all HM Government Guidance on


Masks to be worn.
Please use the hand sanitiser on arrival.
Please read the Council’s revised Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Please do not attend if you have any recognised Covid-19 symptoms.