Notice of the Exercise of Public Rights to View the Council’s Accounts

As a resident you have legal rights to inspect, ask questions about and challenge items in your Parish Council’s annual accounts. For more information, the National Audit Office has published a guide, Local authority accounts: A guide to your rights.

In order to comply with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, the Council publishes below the following document now that the Annual Internal Audit has taken place, the Annual Governance and Accountability Return has been approved by the Council and before the External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn, has carried out the External Audit.  The Notice below sets out the details of the period of time when residents can inspect the accounts:

Notice of the Exercise of Public Rights 2023/24

Each of the documents which constitute the Parish Council’s Annual Governance & Accountability Return for 2023/24 can now be viewed in the Year Ending March 2024 Financial Reports section of the Finance & Audit webpage.