
Downton Parish Council’s Allotments are  located  in Wick Lane, Downton.  They are managed by the Downton Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Association (DALGA).

There are also some allotments at the rear of the Catholic Church in Barford Lane.  These are on private land and are managed by the Catholic Church.

The Parish map shows where the allotments are located.

Downton Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Association

Vegetable drawing

Our allotments are situated down Wick Lane, opposite the Leisure Centre.

DALGA has a sublease for the allotments from Downton Parish Council. The DALGA committee look after the letting and  management of the allotments and so should be contacted in the first instance.

Please contact Chris Hall, if you wish to go onto the waiting list, on 01725 511877 or

DALGA holds an annual AGM, and regular committee meetings. The committee arranges the occasional social gathering and has planted fruit trees in the communal orchard area and hedging plants alongside the adjoining field for wildlife and a wind break. A seed scheme is in operation where allotment holders get a good discount on seeds and plants from a supplier, and DALGA gets a further discount which goes towards site maintenance. Do visit our Face Book page.

Joint Chair:   Jackie Baker – Inspections
07939 394378

Joint Chair:   Chris Hall – Plot Allocations
01725 511877

Treasurer:   Paul Dickinson
07766 827603

Secretary:   Susan Barnhurst-Davies
07875 036879

Other Committee Members:  Hannah Beal, Cliff Sheppard, Emma Garratt