Good Neighbours Scheme
Do you know your neighbours and do they know you?
Does lack of confidence, worry about interfering or worry that you wouldn’t be trusted put you off helping?
Do you worry that you might be expected to take responsibility when you haven’t got time?
Are you a good neighbour and a good member of the community?
Here are some suggestions to help.
- Just try knocking to introduce yourself – to say ‘Hello’ and give your telephone number if there may be a time when it is needed.
- If you feel shy remember that your neighbour may feel shy too and that may be what has stopped each of you making contact.
- Be clear that you don’t want to interfere.
- If your neighbour does appear to want help ask if there is already someone who supports (don’t tread on a relative’s toes!)
- Be clear that you may not always be around or able to help and be clear what you would be willing to do (contact someone else, get shopping, listen, have a coffee sometimes, hold a key or just be contacted in an emergency)
- If expectations are too high, don’t be slow to say what you are not willing to do.
- Make yourself aware of all the community resources available in Downton
- Being a good neighbour is a two way process – you may one day need help too.
Just be yourself
- If you see someone in distress or in trouble out on the street just go up and ask if they want help – they can always say ‘No’.
- Don’t feel you have to do everything – enlist others around you
- Imagine how they might feel – if they are upset they may not want attention drawn to them so be sensitive but ignoring them is not the sensitive response.
- If there is a Safe Places venue nearby, suggest going in to have a seat or ask for support.
Just be kind and considerate – rejection is unusual
This initiative is supported by the Parish Council, the Alzheimer’s Society and the Downton Caring Community group.
Remember in an emergency ring 999