Key Documents

(to be published when available)

Document Title – click to view Date Adopted
File Type
3-Year Plan

August 2021 – July 2024
Review underway as from July 2024

August 2021 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Burial Regulations December 2023 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Civility and Respect Pledge from the National Association of Local Council’s charter May 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Complaints Policy April 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Code of Conduct May 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Downton Flood Plan February 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Downton Neighbourhood Plan
The modified plan will be published once it has been approved by Wiltshire Council
2016 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon


Downton Village Design Statement Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Equality & Diversity Policy June 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Filming, Photographing, Audio Recording & Social Media Reporting of Public Parish Council and Committee Meetings May 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Financial Regulations April 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
General and Earmarked Reserves Policy April 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Grant Policy (S137) June 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Grant Policy (S137) – Application Form June 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Information & Data Protection Policy July 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Play Parks Risk Management Policy July 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Protocols for Meetings with Developers June 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme and Requests April 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Risk Management Strategy April 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Safeguarding Policy July 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon 
Social Media Policy June 2024
Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Standing Orders April 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon
Terms of Reference for Committees and Working Groups April 2024 Adobe Acrobat PDF File Icon