Please find below a link to the Road Closure Notice for Wiltshire Council to carry out survey and associated works on the Lode Hill, from the property known as The Sawmills for an approximate distance of 150 metres in a …

Road Closure Notice for Wiltshire Council survey works on Lode Hill on 15th December 9.00am to 3.00pm Read more »

Please find at the links below the Agenda and supporting Planning Schedule for the Parish Council meeting being held in the Bonvalot Room of the Downton Memorial Centre on Monday 11th December 2023 at 7.00pm: Agenda Planning Schedule     …

Agenda for Parish Council meeting on Monday 11th December at 7.00 pm at the Memorial Centre Read more »

Please find below a link to the Road Closure Notice for Wiltshire Council to carry out survey and associated works on the Lode Hill, from the property known as The Sawmills for an approximate distance of 150 metres in a …

Road Closure Notice for Wiltshire Council survey works on Lode Hill on 4th-5th December 9.00am to 3.00pm Read more »